SQL Series
Installing PostgreSQL and Dbeaver
A Tutorial
Apr 25, 2020
It is first time for me to use PostgreSQL. Let me share how to employ this software through Dbeaver for all the beginners like me. Here it is.
Go to https://www.postgresql.org/download/. Select the suitable installer and download it.
Also, install the Dbeaver through https://dbeaver.io/download/. Follow the instruction to install it.
For exercise, we will download the sample database named dvdrental in link https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-sample-database/. Then, extract it as winrar/tar type. Notice the path we save this file.
We will work on database through Dbeaver that connected to Postgres. To open it up, here are the steps.
Then it continues to write pg_restore -U postgres -d dvdrental c:\users\asus\downloads\dvdrental.tar and give the password when we install the Postgres.
For note, it depends on the prostgres version we have and the path of folder we put.